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Example Phish 006


“Fishing is not an escape from life, but often a deeper immersion into it.” – Harry Middleton

What to learn from this phish...

Look for clues! Wording & Links look ok?

  • Wording… OK

Looks fine. No strange punctuation or use of strange words.

  • Links… NOT SO MUCH….

Hover over each link to reveal it. Notice the target: &… this is enough to stop and ask for help… read on to learn more!

These are known as URL shortners. They take a long link/url and make it shorter to avoid clutter, BUT they also mask the actual link which is a nice trick!!

How can you see where the short link goes?

Not all shortners support this, but for links you can see the ACTUAL url by simply appending a “+” sign after the link.

You can right-click on the link and choose, Copy Hyperlink.

Paste the Hyperlink/Link/URL in your browsers address bar and append the “+” sign:

Bitly will show you the actual link, and even give you statistics on how many times it was clicked. Notice how many clicks there were!!! That’s scary!

This is a similar link as the scam from a few days ago! Different file, same steps through the scam.

If you follow that link you would be taken to a legitimate file on This should look VERY familiar!

If you open the document you are presented with another LINK. Again…familiar?

Bad link!! just line in the last scam!